
What To Do with Your House’s Foundation Problems

The most obvious sign that a foundation is cracking, meaning that you need Plano foundation repair as soon as possible, is the presence of a physical crack in an unfinished basement floor. This will only be visible if the crack is in the top half of the slab. If you see a crack, keep an eye on it for a few months to see if it is getting larger, which indicates that it needs to be replaced to minimize the damage.

Another sign could be a crack in the wall. As the foundation splits, even if you cannot see the crack, it is going to pull the rest of the house apart. The two sides of the foundation could be settling away from each other at different rates. If you have a brick home, you could see a crack running up between the bricks. This does not always indicate a problem with the foundation, but it does let you know that you should have it checked.

The final thing to look for is water that is leaking into the basement during heavy rains. This can also happen in the spring, when the snow is melting. Now, it is true that water could be getting in another way, such as through a weak seal around a window. It could mean that there is a foundation crack, though, because the water could be pushed up through the crack from below as the ground becomes entirely saturated with the rainwater or the runoff.

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