
Do's and Don'ts in Home Lighting

Lighting plays a crucial role in the overall functionality, safety, and level of comfort provided by a house. It is for this very reason why thorough research and planning have to come hand in hand when one is to set up the lighting system in any and every area of home.

Given the uniqueness and individuality of every home, there is no strict format for lighting. Home interior design has flourished rapidly in the past decade so that there currently exists a myriad of designs and styles both for lighting and architecture. However, there are general rules that remain constant regardless of the design or theme of home.

The following are the dos and don'ts of home lighting:


1. DO take size into consideration.
Size of the table for dining rooms, and size of the area concerned in general should be a basis for the size of the light fixture to be installed. In the former, for instance, you have to ensure that your dining room chandelier doesn't eat up all the space above your table. The latter, on the other hand, simply requires that you choose the size of the fixture according to the overall floor area of the room; pick a fixture that flatters the available space -- regardless of how small or big it may be.

2. DO mind the outdoors.
Oftentimes, the center of attention is on how to set the lights up in a way that would beautify the entire interior, so outdoor lighting consequently takes a backseat. This practice is wrong because the area outside your house, when insufficiently lighted, can serve as a hiding place for burglars and thieves especially at night. Make sure that you give ample attention to your outdoor lights because these serve as a primary protection for your home against intruders.

3. DO mix and match different light fixtures in a single area or room.
The point of mixing and matching different lights in a room is usually to add depth. In other instances, they enhance the functionality of ten room -- making it more versatile and able to cater to a variety of activities. For instance, you can add suspended modern light fixtures in the living room for ambient lighting even though you already have a directing light that sufficiently illuminates the entire space.


1. DON'T go for substandard light fixtures.
Buying substandard light fixtures and accessories may give you the impression that you have saved some money on your purchase, but eventually you will realize that they are not a worthy investment because aside from the fact that they easily break and have shorter life span, they also put your household at risk for fires.

2. DON'T disregard glare.
Too much brightness or glare can cause migraines and eye strain. So if you have a television room or an office in which you have a computer to work on, it's essential that you install ambient lights behind the screen or monitor so that glare is reduced to a minimum.

Cedric Loiselle is a highly talented writer who enjoys imparting useful information about home improvement to his readers. For lighting options, he highly recommends interior-deluxe.com.

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