
Tips for their Teeth: Brushing with kids

With candy and sweets seemingly in endless supply these days, the battle for the health of our children is at an all-time high. This is especially true when it comes their first line of defense, teeth. With that in mind, here are some tips to take care of your child’s teeth.

It’s better with electricity
Invest in an electric toothbrush for your kids (and really, for the whole family). These are overwhelming recommended by dentists, because they simply work much better than a “normal” toothbrush. A 2003 Cochrane Oral Health Group study concluded that an electric toothbrush with rotating action resulted in less plaque and fewer bouts of gingivitis, compared to a hand powered toothbrush. An added benefit is that for children, it’s frankly a bit more fun!

Keep in mind that there is a difference between a battery-powered toothbrush and an electric toothbrush. A battery powered toothbrush is essentially a manual toothbrush that vibrates a bit, though at a price tag significantly lower that an electric one ($30 vs $90).

Make sure they take their time
Dentists recommend brushing your teeth for at least two minutes, because in order to get all the teeth properly cleaned, you have to take some time. For children this can be especially daunting, though there are solutions available. Some electric toothbrushes have a timer built in, or you can make brushing teeth a team effort. If you enjoy singing and it’s a smaller child, brush their teeth while singing a song, and when the song’s over, the brush is over!

Age Limits
If your child is under 6 years old, stay away from toothpaste with fluoride. While fluoride is vital in building strong teeth, if ingested on a regular basis it can lead to toxic effects on the body. Now this isn’t going to happen just from swallowing a pea sized amount of toothpaste, it’s more of a cumulative effect. However, since kids at that age have a harder time controlling what they ingest, it’s best to stay away from fluoride altogether.
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