
How to Protect Yourself and Your Family from Pests

If you spend any time at all outdoors, you know what it is like to battle mosquitos and ticks. These two pests are as prevalent in your backyard as they are in the woods and meadows. Some people think of mosquitos as simply annoying, but you should know that mosquitos carry disease; more than a million people a year die of diseases carried by mosquitos, which include:

• Malaria
• West Nile Virus
• Yellow Fever
• Dengue
• Encephalitis

Obviously, it is in your best interest to do everything you can to control the mosquito population in your backyard. The same is true for ticks; a pest that is not harmless by any means. Ticks carry many diseases, including Lyme disease, which is a bacterial infection that causes a wide range of illnesses, Babesiosis and Ehrlichiosis, which are parasitic infections that affect the red and white blood cells, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, which despite its name, is prevalent all over North and South America. All tick-borne diseases are serious, many are permanently disabling, and some are fatal to both humans and animals.

Clearly, neither of these pests can be tolerated; it only takes one bite from an infected mosquito or tick to transmit a serious, often debilitating, disease. Do everything you can to protect yourself and your family from these pests. A good example of a company that specializes in the control of mosquitos and ticks is www.mosquitosquad.com. They have a variety of services designed solely to control mosquitos, ticks, and other backyard pests. Their mosquito misting system is a top-notch pest abatement service that works to control and eliminate pests that carry diseases.

In addition to the misting system, the Mosquito Squad uses a barrier spray. The combination of these two applications, when used regularly, is extremely effective when it comes to controlling and eliminating dangerous pests. The barrier spray kills the mosquitos and ticks instantly, and the misting system that is used periodically, keeps these dangerous pests at bay.

Call the Mosquito Squad for a free pre-inspection of your property. They will tell you what you need for maximum protection, but they will also give you advice about things you can do as a homeowner to help control these pests, such as making certain landscaping and gardening changes. The professionals at the Mosquito Squad can give you the perfect combination of solutions you need to protect yourself, your family, and your pets from disease carrying mosquitos and ticks.

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