
5 Ways to Boost Testosterone Levels in Men

The world of health and fitness is discovering more and more about the hormone testosterone, and the multitudinous benefits that are associated with it. For men, testosterone is vital to complete health. Testosterone helps to boost the metabolism so that men can burn excess calories and rid the body of excess fat. It is vital to the body’s ability to add muscle mass. With a greater understanding of the importance of testosterone, an inevitable question arises: How can men increase their testosterone levels?

Unfortunately, once a man reaches the age of thirty, his ability to naturally produce testosterone at the required levels declines. This means that the testosterone levels begin to decline as well. Don’t worry, this does not mean that age 30 is the beginning of the end; it simply means that you have to find ways to stimulate testosterone production.

This article will provide five ways that any man can raise his testosterone levels, so that he can reap the benefits.

Lift Heavy

Heavy Lifting in the gym; especially using compound exercises, has great benefits as far as increasing testosterone levels. Compound exercises such as squats, bench press, and dead lifts, with a weight that causes failure between the 6th and 8th rep stimulates testosterone production. Remember to keep your workout under an hour. The body begins to go into a catabolic state beginning at the 40 minute mark. Use recovery periods of less than two minutes between sets.

 Train In the Evening

Testosterone levels are higher in the morning, so this means that you will be stronger earlier in the day. As the day progresses testosterone levels drop meaning that an evening workout will be more challenging, forcing the body to produce more testosterone.

Cut Your Gym Time

Right now, you are probably going, what? Yes, you want to manage your time in the Gym. Over training will have the opposite effect than what you are looking for. You need intense workouts to produce testosterone, but you also need adequate recovery time, or your body will go into a catabolic state and your testosterone levels will fall. This also means that your muscles will atrophy. As stated above, you don’t need to have any workout extend more than 60 minutes tops. Your workouts should be short and intense. You need to keep the frequency down to a maximum of 4 days per week. Those three days of rest are absolutely necessary.

Consume Protein

Everyone knows that protein provides the body with the necessary amino acids it needs to actively build muscle, but what many people don’t realize is the fact that protein has been proven to promote the production of testosterone. You should consume one gram of protein per pound of body weight on a daily basis. You will find that foods, such as lean beef, fish, eggs, poultry, and whey hydrolysates are phenomenal sources of protein.

Consume Fat

For years, serious body builders and athletes have avoided fat consumption like the plague, but recent studies have revealed that saturated fat found in foods, such as beef and eggs, is a vital element in the process of testosterone production. You will want have about 12-15 percent of your diet come from saturated fat.

The truth is that there will be a natural decline in your testosterone level as you age. Fortunately, there are a number of things that you can do to elevate those levels on a consistent basis. All it takes is the knowledge and a little discipline.

Eric Zamora coaches little league baseball and is an online marketer.
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