The family man took a half - day leave from work yesterday to take care of some important transactions at the bank in the downtown area. He was in a hurry to get to the bank on time to the point that he forgot to have lunch at their canteen. I am usually the one taking care of all the bank-related concerns but since this one needed his personal appearance, he was forced to take care of it himself.
I was all prepared to go when he reached home from work. After checking all the documents needed, we hurriedly go our way. We are already in the downtown area when he complained about how hungry he was that is why we decided to drop by at nearest food chain which luckily happens to be McDonald's - Sta. Ana Branch.
Bren requested for a Big Mac Value Meal and I settled for a Burger McDO and large fries. We did not have much time to enjoy the food because we need to get to the bank as fast as we can. Ordering the food took my time because there are a lot of students in the counter that time.