
Tips on Traveling with the Family

Traveling with the entire family, for all of its rewards and exciting moments, can be a headache to plan and to supervise. Most families have that one member who is the designated “guide” -- the person who naturally keeps everyone on schedule and makes sure that all essential travel needs are met.

If this is you, there’s no need to fret about your upcoming vacation. Here are five tips to help you get the entire family to their destination--all while staying sane and enjoying the trip.

Choose a family friendly destination. Keep in mind that traveling as a clan can be trickier than traveling alone, logistically speaking. If you plan on taking a road trip, you can cut down on a lot of the headache by transporting your little ones (and elderly family members) in your own vehicle. However, if you’re thinking of going overseas, choose a place with great transportation infrastructure, such as the “Tube” in London. Or you could travel to Paris to take advantage of the multi-level public transportation system, which includes trains, buses and trams.

Bring along distractions for kids. If you have a long plane ride or car ride ahead, bringing their favourite toys along for the trip can help reduce stress and anxiety. Likewise, packing their favourite blankets or comfortable slippers can make the journey more comfortable for both them and you. And don’t forget to pack snacks! This will help you save money and keep their diet healthy, even while on vacation. 

Know before you go. Many small inconveniences can be eliminated with a little research, so make sure to plan early. Check the weather in your destination city to know what kind of clothing you should pack for the entire family (but always include a couple of cooler/warmer options just in case). If you’re taking a plane, try to choose seating that benefits your family members. The ones who are more likely to have to use the bathroom should get aisle seats, and nippers should get window seats.

Have an idea of what attractions you want to see. Most people make a list of must-see sites when they are traveling, and this can help reduce the amount of time you spend trying to decide where to go once you arrive. But be careful not to make a schedule that is so rigid that it can’t account for the occasional (and likely) mishap. Bring along a city map or, even better, a pocket guide to help you navigate your destination. 

Remember to relax and have fun! Even though you’ll be constantly checking to make sure everyone has their tickets and peering at your wristwatch to make sure you arrive on time, remember that family vacations are all about creating memories and having new experiences. If you keep this tip in mind, everyone will be able to have the vacation of a lifetime.

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Anonymous said...

ang cute naman ni Bella jan oh.. :)

Rovie Aguis said...

Parang pinya ang buhok. She was 6 months old at that time and that is her first airplane ride :)

Driving school Sydney said...

Bring along a city map or, even better, a pocket guide to help you navigate your destination.

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