
4 Ways to Tell It's Time to Buy a New Fridge-Freezer

Is it time to bid farewell to that old fridge-freezer? Just because your fridge still works doesn't mean you can't benefit from a new one.

If you're dealing with any of these four problems, it's time to start looking for a new one:

1. You're Spending Too Much On Your Utility Bills

Older refrigerators can do a number on your energy bills. And, the older your fridge-freezer gets, the weaker its insulation is going to get -- meaning it will have to work even harder to keep everything cold.

The only way to lower your bills is to take advantage of new technology. For example, some fridges use less than 450 kWh per year. On top of that, they come with electronic settings -- instead of the traditional dials -- so that you can make more precise temperature changes.

2. Your Keep Chiseling Away At Ice Build-Ups

If you're finding ice anywhere but in your ice maker, that's a bad sign. Specifically, it's proof that your fridge-freezer has sprung a leak somewhere. As a result, water is dripping out and freezing up.

Instead of trying to fix it yourself -- or paying someone to fix it for you -- it can be a whole lot easier and a whole lot more cost-effective to just start over with a new appliance.

3. You Are Struggling To Shut It

When refrigerators become harder to close, it usually means that something has gone wrong with the seals on their doors. And when your fridge-freezer isn't sealing properly, it's going to have a much harder time keeping everything inside cool and fresh.
4. You Keep Running Out Of Room

If your family keeps getting bigger and bigger -- but you hang onto the same ol' fridge-freezer -- you're going to run into a problem. After all, where are you supposed to keep Jimmy's juice and Suzy's snacks?

Luckily, you don't necessarily need a bigger fridge-freezer to solve the problem. You simply need one that's better organized inside. For example, the ActiveSmart Fisher & Paykel fridges come with more drawers and door bins than their counterparts. They're not any bigger; they just make better use of the space! About the author:

Olivia Slamut is proficient in getting the most of home appliances. She is always on the look-out for more design and smarter appliances that can save time and money too!

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krizza said...

You reminded me that I have to replace our old fridge Sis. Hehe. Planning to buy a new one actually.

Sis, where na yung My Journey Blog mo? Pag click ko yung link mo from my site, eto yung lumalabas. Did you change it?

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