
The Tasty Puff Air Freshener

Of all the five senses granted to humans through countless years of evolution, smell is perhaps the most unique and unusual. People are more baffled by the things they smell than they ever are by the things they see, touch, hear or taste. What is that awful smell coming from the refrigerator? What wonderful thing is the neighbor cooking that can't be identified? Why does the whole city smell like a rotting carcass?

Unfortunately, more often than not, it's the bad smells that stick out and befuddle people. These smells pop up in homes, businesses and all across the industrial landscape. It's a type of pollution that's bothersome and intrusive, but it seems there is very little being done about it. For individuals, the air freshener market has presented an effective personalized solution to these bad smells. Products like the Tasty Puff air freshener at Nirvana420.com enable people to cover up foul odors in their cars, apartments, dorm rooms or bathrooms.

Bad smells can be used as evidence of things you don't want other people to know about. For example, tobacco smoke leaves a very distinct odor for quite a while after the flame has gone out. Or say you own a dog or cat and don't want a visitor to know about it. An air freshener is one of the few effective ways to cover the olfactory evidence. There has yet to be invented an air freshener that can cover up the smell of an entire city, but who knows what the future holds.
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