
How to Create a Wall Collage

Creating a wall collage is fun and can bring a lot of personality to your home. Here are some easy tips to think of when you are trying to create this work of art.

Don’t Get Stressed
Wall collages are exciting but at the same time can be very stressful when things just don’t seem to fit right together. If this project is causing some stress to your life put it aside for a while and come back to it a few days later or invite a friend over to help you. That might be more fun anyways.

Placement can be the hardest part about creating a wall collage. If you are a person who is super picky or not good at committing to a design you can very easily turn your wall into Swiss cheese quickly. The easiest way to crates the placement for your wall collage is to lay the pieces out on a table or the floor before hand to get everything perfect before you start putting holes in the wall.

If you want a collage with one color, a set of colors, or all colors, color is a very important aspect to the complete look of your collage. First think about the space you are creating the collage for. Do you want to your collage to compliment or contrast the other colors filling up the rest of the space? Do you want your collage to have a primary color and then add random pops of a different color? Do you want your collage to be as colorful as humanly possible? These are questions to think about when considering colors for your collage.

Wall collages can but don’t have to be all pictures. If you want a wall collage that has more variety try mixing in some shelves, mirrors, or other hanging 3D objects. If you decide to add shelves to your collage you can fill them will fun little knick-knacks or small picture frames.  Mirrors instantly add depth to a room and are always a fun accessory. Objects such as deer antlers and industrial letters are really popular to add to collages and can add more variety to yours.

Take Your Time
The most important part of creating a wall collage is to take your time. This does not have to be a process that happens all in one day. Take your time finding unique and fun pictures and objects to make your wall collage as personal and meaningful as you can. Remember to have fun!

Author Bio: Ally is a writer for Smith Monitoring, a Houston home security company. She is an expert at home decor and creating beautiful one of a kind wall collages.
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