
Smart Tips to Help You Get Organized

Birthdays, work, assignments, events, dinners, social gathering, meeting and appoints! There is so much to remember, it’s no wonder that our memory can fail from time to time. You can help your memory out though. Staying organised can be quite difficult, especially when you have a lot on. It seems as though everything always manages to be due at the same time. This only leads to stress. The following article lists some tips on how to keep organised when life gets busy.

To do list

This is an absolute classic. The best way to stay organised is to know what you actually need to get complete. Having a list of your tasks for the day, week, month etc. means you actually have it there in writing. You don’t want to forget and then have to cram everything in at the last minute. When you are writing your list it doesn’t hurt to put more detail into your objectives. List what you need to get done, what the task requires and when it needs to be completed by.


I’m referring to a physical diary or day planner, not a mobile app. Why not an app? A physical diary means you have something to quickly scribble on when you are in a rush. It also means you can mark important dates, sticker urgent events and go post-it note crazy. You can get really creative stickers online. Try to find a unique diary that makes you smile; it will motivate you to take it everywhere.


This is the most obvious choice to keep you organised. You should have it hanging in your kitchen or somewhere you frequent a lot. You want it to be in eye sight every day. Personally I chose to have my calendar next to the door. This way I can check it before I leave the house and confirm what I need to do for that day and double-check if it’s someone birthday.

Finally, make sure that your methods of staying organised are organise themselves. This will make reading them and understanding them quickly easy. There are a lot more options out there, these are just the staples. The best way to stay organised to get things done when you first receive them but we are all guilty of procrastinating. It’s all about staying on top of your due dates. If you always have these dates in mind, you’ll get everything done in the right order and in time. We all need help to keep these dates in the front of our minds. Take on these tips and never hand in something late or miss an important date again.

Written by Sammy King
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