
Hair Systems for Men

Because hair loss has become such a common reality for men, those who shop for mens wigs at Adventhair.com are given many options. No two men are alike and no two have the same preferences for hair systems. Among the many choices they have are: hair color with highlights, gray hair in different sections and in varying percentages, different textures and different thicknesses. Most men really just need to decide on their comfort levels and go shopping.

An important option for men has been the skin graft wig. It allows wearers to bond the entire headpiece to their own head as if it were a second layer of skin. For most people, it is the option that seems more natural, especially if the skin graft material is close to the same color as the wearer's skin. Some of the skin graft bases can even be left on for a month. They are extremely thin and tend to rip when they are removed, so they are considered disposable. To combat sweat and itchiness, as well as allow the real scalp to breathe, many come with a breathable mesh center or a lace front.

A skin graft hair system without these mesh reliefs might make it extremely uncomfortable based on the two ways the skin graft wig stays attached to the wearer's head. It can be glued with fill head bond adhesive or bonding tape. This method will hold up for 2 to 4 weeks. It can also be held in place with daily tape, which requires a bit more regular maintenance. No matter which bond method a wearer chooses, a wig always needs a space to breathe.

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