
Why Every Shift Worker Needs Blockout Blinds

Most shift workers have experienced the dreaded wake-up after three or four hours of sleep because the sun was shining in their window. Not getting enough sleep is a huge issues, especially for people who work the graveyard shift and need to get as much sleep as possible during the day. Installing block out blinds on your window is a great way to make sure your room stays dark, and you are able to get the rest your body needs. They are also great for lowering your energy bills because the blinds minimize the transfer of air from the outside to the inside of your home.

Block Out Light

Most brands of block out blinds are great at blocking out light any time of day, and some types can block 99 per cent of the light that can potentially enter the bedroom while you are trying to sleep. Blocking out as much light as possible allows shift workers to sleep deeply, reducing health problems that are caused by lack of deep sleep. Keeping the bedroom dark is especially important for people who live in Alaska and other areas of the north where the sun shines about 20 hours per day during certain parts of the year.

Block Out Sound

Another huge benefit of block out blinds is that they block out more sound than traditional blinds, making it easier for shift workers to sleep while most of the people in the world are out and about. Planting bushes outside the window and using a white-noise machine are other ways that shift workers can minimize the amount of noise they hear while they are trying to sleep. Workers who live in very noisy environments may want to use both blockout blinds and heavy curtains to block out as much light and sound as possible. They may also need to wear earplugs to block out sounds.


Blockout curtains are relatively inexpensive and easy to install. Most brands of blockout curtains can be installed on either the outside or the inside of the window frame. Shift workers who live in sunny climates should install their curtains on the outside of their window frame so that there is little chance of light shining into the room around the edges of the curtains. Even people who have irregularly shaped windows can get blockout blinds, as they can be cut to fit a window of any size or shape.

Other Sleep Tips for Shift Workers

Keeping a consistent sleep pattern is one of the best things you can do for your body if you work the graveyard shift. People who move from one shift to another frequently typically have the hardest time sleeping because their body doesn't ever get into a regular sleep-wake cycle. Most people sleep the most deeply if the room is dark and quiet, which is why blockout blinds are so beneficial.

Another tip is to make sleep a priority. Many shift workers try to balance family time with sleep and end up shortchanging themselves to spend time with their families during the day. Avoiding caffeine and sticking to the same ritual before going to sleep each day also helps shift workers sleep soundly. The combination of healthy habits and blockout blinds is the best way for shift workers to sleep as much and as deeply as possible.

Ash Graham owns Sola Shade, blinds and shutters company based in Perth, Western Australia. You can find Ash on Google+.
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