
Tips When Purchasing a Safe For Your Valuables

It's that time of year when you go on vacation. Make sure you stay relaxed on your vacation by following these six easy tips. Stay safe on your vacation while your home stays safe while you are away.

The last minute check

Lock every entrance to your home. Make sure your doors and windows are dead-bolted. If you have a backyard, make sure the gate is locked. For garages, make sure the doors leading into the home are locked along with the garage door itself. If you have a basement, make sure all entry points there are secure. The same goes for windows on the second story and attics. For electrical safety, make sure everything is unplugged and turned off. TV's, entertainment systems, computers, and other equipment should not be left plugged in. Power failures and electrical surges can damage these permanently and even cause fires. Set your thermostat accordingly to the current weather.

Create good habits

If you keep your car out of your garage, diligent thieves will notice when the car is gone for a few days. Get in the habit of parking your car in your garage. If it's filled with clutter, it's about time you clean out your garage. If you don't have a garage, consider parking your car out behind your home so it's not in plain view. Creating this habit will lower your risk of being a victim of burglary when you're on vacation.

Don't tell people

We know you want to brag to your friends and family about your upcoming vacation, but you should go ahead and bite your tongue. This information spreads fast, and in the wrong hands, could lead to loss. Don't spread the word, and whatever you do, don't post it on any social media sites. That's where information spreads the fastest. You just never know who is listening in or reading your posts.

Keep valuables hidden

Do your best to keep your windows covered to limit visibility of the inside of your home. Additionally, try to keep expensive items, like TVs away from the window. You don't want to let burglars window shop before they break in. For jewelry, sensitive information, and other valuables, considering purchasing a safe to store all of that. One of the best spots to keep a safe is in the kitchen. Burglars will usually raid living areas and master bedrooms first, so keeping your valuables in the kitchen will increase your chances of keeping them safe.

Have neighbors help you out

If you're close with your neighbors, have them help you keep an eye on your home. Ask them to pick up the mail for you on the daily because a pileup of mail indicates that the homeowner is away. If you plan on being gone for an extended amount of time, consider hiring a lawn care service. Maintaining your lawn and bushes will keep activity around your home and not give away the fact that you are gone.

Make your home look occupied

Set timers and schedules to have your lights come on at certain times of the day to make it look occupied. Home automation services can help here. My Kyle home security systems and Arlington home security systems allow me to control my electrical appliances remotely. Consider getting a comprehensive home security system that allows you to do this. Additionally, you can have surveillance cameras installed around your home so you can watch live video feeds while you are away.

About the author: Michael is a writer, tech geek, and blogger. Keep up with his blogs to stay updated with the latest gadgets and apps.
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