
Clean & Clutter-free Bathrooms

It sometimes feels like a losing battle trying to keep your bathroom clean and uncluttered. It only takes one item to not be put away before it escalates into more and before you know it, everything it out of place.

It’s common for people to store medicine and tablets in bathrooms, though many medications suffer in the humidity and changing temperatures of bathrooms. It’s best to pick and choose the medications that you use most often and store the rest elsewhere in a storage bin. You can always use a childproof lock on it if you have kids too. When you’re sorting through the medication you’ll probably find quite a few of them have expired too, making some extra space.

If something hasn’t been used in the past few months, throw it away or use it up. If you haven’t used it in the past few months, you’re unlikely to ever use it. This is especially critical in smaller bathrooms where space is a limitation. Check for empty cans and containers, or ones with a little left, then you can make more space. If you like to buy in bulk, it makes little sense to store 10 of the same item in your bathroom while you could store 8 of them somewhere else that you don’t need to access often.
Clean Surfaces
Remember to put things away after use; it takes a few seconds extra to put something away in a cabinet, though if you let clutter build up, it’ll take you much longer. Whatever you use the most should be the most accessible, store those things in easy to reach baskets or drawers while the stuff you use occasionally can be stored in lower or out of the way cabinets and baskets.

Good Looking Products
Some bathroom products are designed to be on show, designed with nicer packaging and colours. Though if the packaging isn’t great to look at then you can always buy some nicer bathroom accessories like jars, soap & lotion dispensers.

Be Creative
If you don’t have a lot of storage space, closets or cabinets for bits and pieces then you can try baskets and bins to store things in logical groups. Otherwise, if a lack of floor space is the problem, there’s a wide variety of wall mounted storage available. Tricks like using a wine rack for rolled-up washcloths and hand towels are a great creative way to store them.

Keep things grouped together logically. Shaving items and supplies in one basket, hair supplies in another. That way when you go to use the hair dryer, it won’t be difficult to untangle the cord. You also have the hair brushes and hair care products within reach. When you move onto shaving, you can just pull that one basket out and it makes putting things away easier too.

Toilet Paper
Remember it’s a bathroom, so it doesn’t make much sense to store toilet paper away somewhere. Keep it within reach; it can even look presentable in a neat stack or in a basket.

Micheal Wheaton works for East 2 Eden, Online Gifts retailer based in the UK.
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