
How to Prepare Your Family and Yard for a Pool

A new pool can help your family stay active and provide hours of entertainment during the warmer months of the year. There are some basic things that you should do before your pool is installed. Preparing your family and property for a new pool is a simple solution to ensuring you are ready for the installation well in advance.

Setting Rules for Safety

If you have young children, it is important to set some basic ground rules before the pool is installed. For instance, you may want to be sure that your kids understand they aren't allowed to enter the pool area without adult supervision for safety reasons. You should also explain that the pool gate should be kept closed unless you have given permission for entrance to the pool area. Setting and enforcing rules ensures your older children are aware of the dangers of swimming alone. Younger kids will need to be supervised carefully and the proper safety fencing will need to be installed before the pool is filled with water for the first time.

Some things to teach kids to avoid include riding bikes or trikes around the pool, diving into an above ground pool where the water isn't deep enough and using any electronics or electrical devices around the pool area. Installing the proper fencing is important. You may need to wait until the pool has been installed, but not yet filled with water, to ensure you have the right size fencing to surround the pool. A gate that automatically locks can be vital to protecting small children and toddlers who may not understand or remember the pool safety rules.
Preparing Your Property

A level area is needed for the installation of an above ground pool, while an in ground pool requires digging using heavy machinery. You can have dirt or pebbles delivered to your home in order to smooth the area where the pool will be located. Try to opt for a softer material if you have young children. Pebbles or gravel can cause serious injuries to small children who trip while walking around the pool. Mulch, whether rubber or traditional wood, can be used in some regions to create a level surface for your pool to sit on.

Choosing a Location

Some things to consider when choosing the location of the pool are whether there is a water and electric source located nearby, how well the sun shines on the pool and whether there are any trees of shrubs in the area. Trees can shed leaves into the pool, which may result in the need to clean the pool frequently. A sunny location with a nearby water source is ideal.

Electric is used to run the pool's filtration system. The wiring for the electrical cords is typically underground for safety reasons, so you may want to dig a trench that is at least one foot to eighteen inches deep for the wiring. Make sure that you have check local and state regulations to choose the correct depth for the wiring, and that you have called ahead before digging to avoid hitting any existing utility lines that may be buried in the area.

Installing Safety Fencing

The last step when preparing for using a new pool is to install safety fencing. Make sure that your fencing is at least five feet high and that you have chosen a gate with a lock that small children can't open on their own. With the right preparation and some basic safety rules, your family can enjoy your new pool for many years to come.


Bob Quigly is a landscaping and family fun enthusiast who contributes to many blogs on the best placed to above ground pool pumps for swimming pool covers; buy above ground pool pumps at BackYardOcean.com a company here for your family.
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